NIGDY WIECEJ - NEVER AGAIN, issue 11, spring 2000


"NIGDY WIECEJ" - "NEVER AGAIN" is the only magazine in Poland dealing with the problem of racism and fascism. Issue 11 brings a variety of articles putting the struggle against racism in a historical and international perspective.

"Brunatna Bellona"("Brown Bellona", page 1) by M. Kornak exposes the fact that the state-owned Polish military publishing house "Bellona" intends to publish a translation of a book by the well-known Holocaust denier David Irving.

"Listy" ("Letters", pages 2-3) include letters of support from Jerzy Giedroyc, the editor of the famous emigre monthly "Kultura", from Jan Karski, a hero of wartime Resistance, and from Jacek Debski, the minister of sports and tourism.

"Dokumenty" ("Documents", pages 3-4) include a statement of a group of ecological activists who speak out against the inflitration of the Polish Green movement by the far right. There are also other documents concerning legal battles against fascism currently fought in courts.

"Cytaty" ("Quotes", page 4) bring a selection of quotations from religious figures condemning racism.

On pages 4-6 there are reports on various national and international anti-racist events with the participation of members of the "Never Again" Association.

"Jan Pawel II według Miesiecznika Narodowego" ("John Paul II in National Monthly", page 6) discusses the bizzare love-hate relationship of a fascist magazine with Catholic religion.
"Dzis prawdziwych socjaldemokratow już nie ma?" ("Today There Are No More Real Social Democrats?") reveals the fact the "social-democratic" mothly "Dzis" ("Today") publishes material from an extreme-right activist Konrad Rekas.

"W sadzie o antysemityzmie" ("In Court About Anti-Semitism", page7) is a report on the libel court case against "NIGDY WIECEJ" which has been initiated by a ntionalist-pagan activist Tomasz Szczepanski.

"Pseudoanarchiści" ("Pseudo-Anarchists", page 7) is a quotation from an anarchist publication criticising the current tendency within the Polish anarchist movement to collaborate with the extreme-right.

"Katalog wypadkow" ("List of Incidents", pages 8-13) documents numerous cases of fascist violence in Poland in the recent months.

"Na tym polega moj patriotyzm" ("This Is My Patriotism", pages 14-15) is an interview with Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, a wartime Resistance fighter responsible for aid to the Jews and a prisoner of Auschwitz. Mr Bartoszewski gives his views on the contemporary extreme-right and Holocaust denial.

"Marzenia o polskim Pinochecie" ("Dreaming about a Polish Pinochet", page 16) presents the figure of General Wilecki, former Head of Staff of the Polish army, who has entered politics as the presidential candidate for the extreme-right National Party (SN).

"Naprawiacze przeciw faszyzmowi" ("Naprawiacze Against Fascism", pages 17-18) reminds the history of pre-war opposition against fascist tendencies within Polish government.

"Nie bedzmy tacy spokojni" ("Let"s Not Be So Calm", pages 18-19) is a report on contemporary inter-ethnic relations in the area of Bialystok.

"Żaden czlowiek nie jest nielegalny" ("Nobody Is Illegal", pages 20-21) is a story of an anti-deportation campaign against racist immigration policies and border regimes.

"Homoseksualni skini?" ("Homosexual Skins?", pages 22-23) analyses the attitudes of the Polish extreme-right towards homosexuality (cover story). It also reveals the fact that many hypocritical nazis are homosexual themselves. This topic is further discussed against the historical background of the nazi persecution of gays in "Nazistowscy geje" ("Nazi Gays", pages 23-24), an article translated from the British magazine "Searchlight".

"Od skinheada do boneheada" ("From Skinhead To Bonehead", pages 25-26) is a chapter from the book "White Noise". It analyses the evolution of the skinhead subculture from the 1960s until 1980s.

"U Zrodel przemocy" ("The Roots Of Violence", pages 27-28) is an article written by the leader of a Spanish anti-fascist organisation who discusses the nature of neo-fascist violence.

"Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Wiecej na Przystanku Woodstock" ("Never Again Association At Przystanek Woodstock", page 28) is a report on the anti-fascist activity at Przystanek Woodstock, the biggest rock festival in the world (250, 000 participants in 1999) which takes part in Poland annually. "Trzeba bya konsekwentnym" ("You Have To Be Determined", pages 30-31) is an interview with Jerzy Owsiak, the creator of the festival.

"Muzyka Przeciwko Rasizmowi" is a report on the recent development of the "Music Against Racism" campaign (page 32).

"If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next" (pages 32-34) is an overview of contemporary pop music with anti-fascist message.

"Muzyka przeciwko rasizmowi i rasizm przeciwko muzyce" ("Music Against Racism And Racism Against Music", page 35) is an excerpt from a biography of Arthur Rubinstein, a famous Jewish-Polish pianist who protested against Mussolini"s anti-Semitic laws in 1938.

"Ojciec Zalozyciel" ("Founding Father", pages 35-36) is a translation of an interview with Peter Benenson, the founder of Amnesty International.

"Intelektualisci a faszyzm - przypadek Heideggera" ("Intellectuals And Fascism - The Case of Heidegger", pages 36-40) is an article by Professor Antoni Malinowski who analyses the nazi period in the biography of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger.

"Nowy GEN-ialny swiat" ("Gene/Brave New World", pages 41-45) warns against dangers of modern gene technology which can be used for racist purposes.

On pages 46-48 there are reviews of books and magazines about racism, fascism, and refugee rights