D-2.5 SafeNet Final Report. International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH), December 2024.
C. Le Roux: Hani’s hitman: “Nationalists” give Janusz Waluś a hero’s welcome in Poland. Citizen.co.za, 8.12.2024.
Unmasking Hate Rafal Ziemkiewicz’s Dangerous Spread of Antisemitism and Conspiracy Narratives. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 25.11.2024.
Prominent Far-Right Author Targets Jews and Catholics in Controversial Interview in Poland. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 18.11.2024.
INACH’s 22nd Anti-Cyber Hate Summit – Artificial Intelligence and the Changing Legal Climate. Compiled by C. A. Hofacker, J. Heezius, International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH), 2024.
Key actors. In: Compilation of promising practices on combating hate speech at national level. Study prepared by J. Jackson-Preece. Council of Europe, October 2024.
Panelists discuss strategies for addressing hate speech at OSCE conference. TurkishMinute.com, 11.10.2024.
R. Khanum: The Dangers of AI: Far-Right Extremism, Holocaust Distortion, and the Growing Threat to the Jewish Community. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 4.10.2024.
Ro & SuZ Award 2024. StichtingMagenta.nl, 28.09.2024.
P. Dlhopolec, E. Inotai, J. Eisenchteter, C. Ciobanu: Democracy Digest: Czech Coalition Throws Pirates Overboard. BalkanInsight.com, 27.09.2024.
Free Shahriar Kabir. Sadf.eu, 25.09.2024.
H. Cuda: The “Subhuman” Hate of Elon Musk. BylineSupplement.com, 9.09.2024.
European media lens: Reporting on the UK riots and their broader implications. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 26.08.2024.
Turn off the online hate megaphone. HopeAndCourage.ie, 9.08.2024.
Complaint to Wirtualna Polska by “Never Again” Association. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 9.08.2024.
The People’s Declaration. PeoplevsBig.tech [last updated on 27.06.2024].