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D. Boddiger: Richard Spencer Loves His European Heritage, But Europe Just Banned Him. SplinterNews.com, 25.11.2017.
J. Harper: Prosecutors open racism probe into Polish far-right march. Dw.com, 21.11.2017.
Ch. Davies: “More girls, fewer skinheads”: Poland's far right wrestles with changing image. TheGuardian.com,  18.11.2017.
K. J. Jones: Extreme nationalism was not John Paul II’s vision for Poland, historian says. CatholicNewsAgency.com, 16.11.2017.
C. Liphshiz: 60,000 joined a Polish nationalist march. Should Jews be worried? Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 13.11.2017.
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J. L. Feder: March Led By White Nationalist Group In Poland Draws Tens Of Thousands From Across Europe. BuzzFeed.com, 11.11.2017.
T. Tahir: Tens of thousands of fascists and far-right extremist from across Europe will protest in Poland on Saturday to “defend Western civilization”. Dailymail.co.uk, 10.11.2017.
V. Gera: Polish far-right march goes global, drawing people from afar. Apnews.com, 10.11.2017.
L. Cohler-Esses: The Holocaust Activist Who’s Warning Poland - About Danger Posed By Jews. Forward.com, 5.11.2017.
B. Cohen: Protests by Polish Anti-Fascist Group Lead to Withdrawal of Antisemitic Figurines From Parliament Gift Shop in Warsaw. Algemeiner.com, 17.10.2017.
R. Pankowski: Poland. Tory allies support shooting at rescue boats. “Hope not Hate”, 09-10.2017.
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R. Pankowski: A Polish ethno-religion? Some thoughts on the baptism of Poland and contemporary national identity. “Zoon Politikon”, No. 8, 2017.
R. Pankowski: Civil society under pressure from the far right in Poland. “Hope not Hate”, 28.07.2017.
R. Pankowski, S. Piggott: Donald Trump’s Visit to Poland Further Emboldens Far-Right Elements. Splcenter.org, 17.07.2017.

R. Pankowski: Poland. In: Modern Antisemitism in the Visegrád Countries. Ed. by I. Barna, A. Félix. Budapest, Tom Lantos Institute, 2017.

R. Syal, D. Lavelle: Britain First supporter calls for Merkel to be shot for refugee policy. TheGuardian.com, 6.07.2017.
R. Syal: Far-right activists detained at UK border before Britain First rally. TheGuardian.com, 24.06.2017.