NIGDY WIECEJ - NEVER AGAIN, issue 7, summer 1998


"NIGDY WIECEJ" - "NEVER AGAIN" is the only magazine in Poland dedicated to the problem of racism and fascism.

The editorial (by M.Kornak) deals with different approaches to the issue of fascism represented by political parties which sometimes prefer to avoid the problem. Fortunately, the Polish anti-fascist movement gets stronger and is able to raise the topic.

The "Letters" section brings a moving letter and a poem from Agnes, a young women of half-African descent born in Poland who left the country for America because of every-day racism. There are also other letters from the readers discussing some of the articles from past editions of the magazine and declaring their will to join the anti-fascist movement. There is also one insulting letter from R.Musierowicz, a leader of the fascist party NOP.

On p.8 we publish the founding declaration of the Association of Friends of the Spanish War Veterans.

On p.9 there are excerpts from reviews of the "Music Against Racism" compilation record released by the "Never Again" Association.

On the same page there are quotes from fascist papers on our activities. We are proud to have infuriated them.

The "Documents" section (p.10-11) includes recent anti-racist statements from political parties as well as a fragment from a parliamentary debate on the question to the Ministry of Justice about the lack of official response to organised fascist activity in Poland.

On p.12-13 there are reports from various anti-fascist events which took place in Poland in the recent months, among them a seminar in Oswiecim (Auschwitz).

On p.14-17 there are short articles about developments on the fascist scene as well as about grass-roots anti-racist initiatives.

"Krzyz jako pretekst" ("The Cross as a Pretext", p.17) by R.Pankowski reveals the fascist activities in the area surrounding the former concentration camp in Auschwitz.

"Katalog wypadków" ("List of Incidents", p.18-25) compiled by M.Kornak documents acts of violence and other cases of fascist activity in the recent months.

"Emisariusz" ("The Courier", p.26-30) is an interview with Professor Jan Karski, a hero of the wartime Resistance and a special envoy from the occupied Poland who first told Western leaders about the Holocaust. Prof. Karski warns against modern antisemitism and other forms of racism. The interview was conducted by A.Wolski.

In "Oswajanie obcosci" ("Getting Used to the Stranger", p.31) G.Bogusz discusses the roots of racist attitudes among common people.

T.A.Olszanski outlines the troubled history of relations between the communist movement and Jewish people in Poland ("Polski ruch komunistyczny a Zydzi", p.32-34). To be continued.

J. Hebel notes that some Eastern European governments fail to observe international standards with regard to ethnic minorities" rights ("Slowo o mniejszosciach" - "About minorities", p.34).

"Urojenia Adama Gmurczyka" ("Fantasies of Adam Gmurczyk", p.35-36) by G.Bogusz presents the figure of Adam Gmurczyk, the leader of the fascist party NOP, the Polish section of the International Third Position.

In "Przypadek Henryka Pajaka" ("The Case of Henryk Pajak", p.36-38) M.Aleksandrowicz discusses the case of the antisemitic writer Henryk Pajak.

"Nowy Czlowiek -skad my to znamy?" ("New Man - Sounds Familiar", p.37-38) by J.Hebel is an article about "Tryglaw", a new fascist-pagan group and magazine.

"Brunatne stadiony" ("Brown Stadiums", p.38-41) by M.Kornak is an in-depth report on the fascists" infiltration of football hooligan gangs.

"Historia pewnej piosenki" ("The Story of a Song", p.41-44) is an article by K.Skiba of the popular pop-group Big Cyc who describes his experience of nazi-skinhead violence at rock concerts.

On p.45-46 there is an interview with the British pop-group Chumbawamba who talk about their anti-fascism. The interview was conducted by R.Pankowski.

Z.Michalczyk warns against fascists" manipulating the techno music scene in his article "Faszyzm i techno" ("Fascism and Techno", p.46-47).

"Siemens - wiecej niz technologia" ("Siemens - more than Technology", p.47-48) by K.Majchrzak tells the story of the German company using slave labour during World War II and refusing to pay compensations.

In part 2 of "Wielkie falszerstwo" ("The Big Lie", p.48-50) M.Warchala continues the discussion of Holocaust denial and shows the ill-will of those who promote it.

"Czy Hitler wygral wolne wybory?" ("Did Hitler Win Free Elections?", p.50-54) is a question posed by G.Nowaczewski. The article explains Hitler"s road to power through cooperation with right-wing conservatives.

In "Przeciw twierdzy Europa. Czy obywatele b.NRD maja mentalnosc totalitarna?" ("Against Fortress Europe. Do Former GDR Citizens Have a Totalitarian Mentality?", p.54-56) K.Majchrzak shows the complex nature of the transformation in East Germany and the background of neonazi tendencies among the young.

"USA:nazisci, patrioci i milicja" ("USA:Nazis, Patriots, and Militia", p.57-62) is based on a feature in the German "Antifa Info-Blatt". It discusses the development of the far-right in the United States.

There are also reviews of books about fascism and anti-Semitism published in Poland.