NIGDY WIECEJ - NEVER AGAIN, issue 8, fall 1998


"NIGDY WIECEJ" - "NEVER AGAIN" is the only magazine in Poland dedicated to the problem of racism and fascism.

The editorial by Marcin Kornak reminds that "NEVER AGAIN" was the first to expose the fascist background of the so-called "defenders of the Auschwitz cross". Unfortunately both the church and the state have not acted appropriately and the fascists are still using the area of the former concentration camp to spread their hatred. The "Letters" section (p.2-5) contains letters of support and also two threatening letters sent to the "NEVER AGAIN" team by extreme-nationalists.

The "Documents" section (p.5-6) includes official correspondence to the state prosecutor at Auschwitz demanding action against anti-Semitic propaganda being distributed in the neighbourhood of the former camp. There are also official statements by the "NEVER AGAIN" Association and youth organisations of the Freedom Union and the Social Democracy of the Polish Republic protesting against the nomination of a neo-nazi activist to a high administrative post in the city of Olsztyn.

"Twarda lekcja" ("Hard lesson") is an article written specially for "NEVER AGAIN" by Andrzej Szczypiorski, one of Poland"s most respected novelists. It describes the author"s personal experience of nazism during World War II and warns against prejudice and nationalistic hatred.

On pages 8-10 there are examples of successful anti-racist educational activities organised recently by "NEVER AGAIN", the Anti-Nazi Group and local anti-fascist groups.
On pages 10-14 there are short articles about the recent activity of the extreme right, including cases of co-operation with, and sponsoring by, state ministries.

"Ringo against racism" (p.15-16) was written by W. Strzyzewski, the president of the International Ringo Federation. It argues that sport can be a powerful weapon against racial prejudice among young people. "Katalog wypadkow" ("Chronicle of Events", p.16-24) lists the reported cases of violence committed by members of the extreme-right in Poland in the recent months.

"Aryjski rock" ("Aryan Rock", p.24-28) by T. Kuzia warns against the growth of the neo-nazi music scene.

"Faszyzm poswiecony?" ("Fascism Blessed?", p.29-32) by J. Czech is an analysis of the agenda promoted by "Fronda", an influential ultra-right Catholic magazine which has its own tv programme.

J. Hebel and Z. Michalczyk draw attention to the figure of S. Szukalski, a sculptor and nationalistic fanatic in the 1930s who is increasingly looked upon as a hero by the current extreme right ("Kim byl Stanisław Szukalski?", "Who was Stanisław Szukalski?". p.32-34).

T. A. Olszanski outlines the troubled history of relations between the communist movement and Jewish people in Poland ("Polski ruch komunistyczny a Zydzi", p. 35-40).

"Ulice polskich miast" ("Streets of the Polish cities", p. 38-39) is a sample of numerous nazi graffiti recently daubed by fascists in various places all over the country.

"Rzeczpospolita trzydziestu jezykow" ("The Republic of 30 languages", p. 40-44) by J. Borkowicz discusses the multicultural heritage of old Poland.

M. Kornak reports on the success of the campaign "Music Against Racism" ("Muzyka Przeciwko Rasizmowi", p.45-46) launched by the "NEVER AGAIN" Association. The article is followed by an interview with Zion Train, a popular British band who gave their support to the campaign (p. 47-48).

"Danikenowie historii" ("The Danikens of history", p. 49-52) by G. Nowaczewski exposes various pseudo-historical theories about nazism. "Fantazje z Adolfem" ("Fantasies with Adolf", p.53) by P. Dunin-W±sowicz discusses the use of nazi symbolism in modern SF literature.

"Kristallnacht" by G. Bogusz (p. 54-55) is a historical article about events leading to the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938. The anniversary of the Kristallnacht is commemorated as the International Day Against Fascism and Anti-Semitism.

On p. 56-62 there is a block of articles about fascism and racism in contemporary Russia, including an interview with Russian anti-fascists.

On p. 62-63 there are articles about actions against nazi music distributors in Sweden and Norway. Roberto Fiore is an international nazi terrorist and entrepreneur active in Western and Eastern Europe. His story is revealed in an article by "Searchlight"s editor G. Gable with additional information by the editor of "NEVER AGAIN" (p.63-65).

K. Majchrzak in "Przeciw twierdzy Europa" ("Against Fortress Europe", p. 66-69) gives an account of his recent journey through the former Yugoslavia with an analysis of the causes of ethnic cleansing.

"Tragiczna historia Romów..." ("The tragic history of the Roma...", p. 69-71) is an article about the history of anti-Roma prejudice Europe-wide.

In "Brunatna informatyka" ("Brown computer-science", p. 72-73) A. Arcimowicz points to the fact that modern technology is being increasingly used by neo-nazi groups.

"Rasizm osmieszony" ("Racism ridiculed", p. 73) by M. Kornak describes the setback to the National Front"s racist ideology through the victory of the multi-racial French football team in the 1998 World Cup.

On p.74-76 there are reviews of records, books and magazines.