24 February 2023
Pleace Awaken together with the “NEVER AGAIN” Association and other partners and friends is calling out for a Global Inter-Faith Prayer for Peace and Healing.
24 February marks exactly one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Pleace Awaken is organising a world wide inter-faith prayer, to be streamed live to the world for peace in Ukraine and all other regions and nations that have to deal with supreesion, terror and conflict.
Pleace Awaken encourage different religious groups to gather online or in person to pray and to record the videos that would be compiled and share online.
We are asking everyone to light up a candle at nightfall and let its message of peace travel around the world as one light from many religions, faiths and beliefs – as on humanity. The embassies, faith communities and businesses can illuminate their buildings with colours of peace to show solidarity.