Research, policy, campaigning and activism in support of Ukraine
Sat, 11 March 2023, 10:30-18:30 GMT
LSE Centre Building (CBG) Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE United Kingdom
The Russian war against Ukraine marks a major turning point in 21st century history. It concentrates in a single cataclysm some of the most reactionary forces threatening the future survival of the human species: crony capitalism, authoritarianism, extractivism, patriarchy, ethnonationalism, imperialism and the polluting industries destroying planet Earth.
Ukraine’s tremendous resistance to the Russian invasion is first and foremost about the protection of the country’s democracy, territorial integrity, political freedom and human rights. But in the context of a ‘century of cascading crises’, it raises issues and challenges that go far beyond Ukraine – indeed, that are truly global.
In the international solidarity and civil society movements which have emerged in solidarity with Ukraine there is a need to develop spaces that are able to connect these dots. Ukraine’s struggle for survival needs to become intertwined with campaigns and movements for socioeconomic and environmental justice.
By resisting the Russian invasion and asserting its political agency, Ukraine has moved into the centre of not only European but global politics. As a result of their resistance, Ukrainians have an opportunity – in dialogue with global civil society movements – to ‘make another world possible’.
By bringing Ukrainian activists and academics into dialogue with other global civil society movements and creating a space for discussion and action, the Solidarity with Ukraine conference seeks to make a small contribution to taking this forward.
Solidarity with Ukraine; Building a New Internationalism has been organised by the Ukraine team of the Conflict and Civicness Research Group (LSE CCRG), a research unit at the LSE exploring the changing nature of war and conflict in the 21st century.
The following organisations have partnered with the LSE CCRG on the conference:
• Another Europe Is Possible (UK)
• Centre for Civil Liberties (UA)
• Commons / Spilne (UA)
• Democratic Security Institute (Georgia)
• European Alternatives (FR, IT, DE)
• European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine
• Films for Ukraine - Kings College London
• Global Justice Now (UK)
• Institute for Policy Studies (US)
• International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP)
• London Ukrainian Institute
• LSE Ukraine Society
• Never Again Association (Poland)
• The University of New Europe
• Ukrainian Students Union (UK)
• Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (UK).